Coconut Dip



I Love Coconut Oilcoconut


Summer time can be a little tricky when it comes to good hair days.  For one, we have some harsh elements against us: sun, humidity, ocean, and random thunder storms.  Secondly,  what is the point of making your hair look pretty if you’re just going to jump in the ocean? That is why I recommend all my clients head to their local grocery store for some tropical treatments. Coconut oil is light, so it absorbs well into the skin and hair. It also has natural anti-fungal anti-bacterial properties, which can’t hurt right?

Slather a teaspoon through your hair after a long day on the beach. The oils will help bring back some oomph into those salted locks and help block humidity from making it grow, even if you haven’t washed the sea out (and why bother?).

2 thoughts on “Coconut Dip”

  1. Truer words have never been written!

    Coco for life!

    Will follow you religiously, always and forever, as you are my ultimate style guru

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